Photo of a father smiling with his son and daughter.

About Us

Families Matter is an organization serving families including youth and adults via schools, churches, hospitals and a variety of community partners with whom we align to educate, enhance and encourage our clients to become their best selves.

The purpose of our healthy families and healthy relationship teachings is to bring forth knowledge and understanding of how to create the life the individual desires. We accomplish this by serving with passion, by providing excellence in education, and by living with integrity in order to support our clients in every area of their lives. 

Our educators are experienced and zealous as they lead individuals into conversations based on the Principles of God’s Word.  It is in this place where true transformation can be received and eventually believed, leading the individual and the family to a changed life and legacy.

Our work is intentional as we love unconditionally, dedicating ourselves to the betterment of children while we care for and instruct parents in understanding their God-given role within the family’s structure.